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Sara Overton     Marcia Wakeman     Captain Richard Waygood MBE
Sara Overton – Ride With Your Mind Coach

Mary WanlessUnderstanding the Biomechanics of riding is a big piece to making good riders brilliant and getting great horses to excel in their performance. The Ride With Your Mind approach, developed by Mary Wanless, has decoded the mysteries of great riding with a system to help riders better understand how they ride and how they can influence their horses. This type of training is commonplace in many other major sports (Olympic running, cycling, sailing, skiing/gymnastics and golf). The biomechanics of top level athletes in all of these sports have been extensively videod, documented and analysed to the smallest detail, then put back together in a way that coaches can train people to emulate the professionals.

If you have ever felt that your instructor has not had the language to explain a point or been able to give you the level of detail to make something work, then this teaching is invaluable – for those already successful, it will benefit you from the fine tuning we can give you to enable you to work with and develop further. We are extremely lucky to have Mary and her coaches in the UK.

At Fairview we regularly run clinics with certified coaches. This includes two morning riding sessions and afternoon sessions of video analysis that are invaluable help for riders to see what they are doing wrong and right and give them tools to improve, whatever stage they may be.

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